Master buoyancy and trim diver
The basics for becoming a good diver.
Service Description
Gliding in a horizontal position with no resistance through the water, floating weightlessly while reducing air consumption and gaining bottom times and being able to perfectly control your position without disturbing the precious sea bottoms or ascending to the surface is fabulous. To have good buoyancy is key to a fun and safe dive: by learning and practicing the exercises during the specialty SNSI Hovering Diver you will become automatically aware of your best position, while increasing your mental dexterity, tranquility and comfort like you have never experienced before. The program: the course requires a minimum of 1 academic session and 2 open water dives, you will learn all that is required to become a certified SNSI Hovering Diver. Pre-requisites: be 15 years of age and be certified as an SNSI Open Water Diver or posses an equivalent certification issued by a recognized training agency.